Monday, January 5, 2009

My son is almost two years old! Everything he does brings such great joy to me and his mother. His sweet little "Tank Jou" that is thank you or always kissing everyone before we can leave practically anyplace. He has such a beautiful heart that is already being displayed day to day. He loves animals even the ones that don't necessarily love him back. His face lights up when he sees his Aunt Dallas. I asked him this afternoon if he wanted to go see great papa...."no, no" he said. We went anyway and as soon as we pulled in the driveway he started looking around and when I turned around to look at him he shouted "PAPA!" He is a great helper and is most always very willing to help pick up around the house. At daycare he helps pick up the mats and blankets after nap time and even gets onto Derick if he is too slow. The Spirit of a child never ceases to amaze me.

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